
第二部分:. 本月- 125
批准人:博士. Pamela J. Transue, 04/09/13


 这 policy allows the student the right to due process.


这 policy defines the process for students who believe his or her final course grade was 授予 incorrectly, in error, or in an arbitrary or capricious manner.




132 v - 123 - 010定义


WAC 132 v - 123 - 010

为 purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply.

合适的院长或经理 means the administrator responsible for the respective department offering the course 目前正在上诉中.

武断的或反复无常的态度 means in a manner deemed to be inappropriately subjective or otherwise inconsistent with the learning assessment process stated on the syllabus.

文档 means all materials relevant to the grade determination and to the grade 上诉 process.  Examples include grade reports, graded work, syllabus, student/faculty correspondence, 等.

最终成绩 means the grade received in the course and reported to enrollment services.

听到委员会 指一组由:

  1. Two students selected by the president of the associated student body.
  2. Two faculty members selected from four faculty elected each fall in instructional 本年度的理事会成员.
  3. One instructional administrator, appointed by the executive vice-president for academic 学生事务.

书面上诉 指包括以下内容的文件:

  1. A clear statement of why the student believes his or her final grade was not properly 授予.
  2. 学生为解决问题所做的一切.
  3. 这个学生在寻求什么样的治疗啊.

书面交流 means either electronic (TCC e-mail) or traditional correspondence.


wac132v - 123 - 020 非正式的决议. If a student feels his or her final course grade was 授予 incorrectly, in error, or in an arbitrary or capricious manner, his or her actions shall follow the steps 下面来解决这个差异. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场将尽一切努力解决分歧 在第一层.


A. The student shall contact the instructor 讨论学生关心的问题. 这 contact shall occur prior to the fifth instructional 下个季度的第一天. 为 a spring quarter grade this step may occur prior to the fifth instructional day in 夏季学期:接下来的夏季或秋季学期之一.

B. 这种联系应包括:

  • Discussing reasons the student believes there is a discrepancy;
  • Presenting other documentation that may have been overlooked in the determination 最后的课程成绩.

C. If the student believes his/her concern has not been adequately resolved in step 1,他/她可以进入步骤2.


A. The student shall contact the program/department chair or designated faculty member 讨论学生关心的问题. 这 contact shall occur prior to the tenth instructional 下个季度的第一天.

B. 这种联系应包括:

  • 学生认为存在差异的原因;
  • 文档;
  • 与教员会面的结果.

C. 这把椅子 or designated faculty member will discuss the situation with the faculty member before giving the student his or her recommendation.

D. 这把椅子 or designated faculty member will inform the student of his or her recommendation. 这 shall occur prior to the 15th instructional 下个季度的第一天. 这把椅子 or designated faculty member's recommendation is not binding.

E. 这把椅子 or designated faculty member will inform the student of the 正式的上诉 process if the chair's recommendation is not satisfactory to the student.

wac132v - 123 - 030 第一级正式上诉. If a student is not satisfied with the informal resolution, he or she may begin the 正式的上诉.

步骤1 - The student must contact the appropriate 迪安 or manager and present documentation 以及一份书面的成绩申诉. 这 contact shall occur prior to the 20th instructional 下个季度的第一天.

步骤2 - The 迪安 or manager will investigate the grade 上诉 and provide written communication of the findings and decision to the faculty member and the student. 研究结果和 decision shall be provided to the student within ten instructional days after receiving 书面上诉. 调查将包括:

A. 审查教员的文件;

B. Reviewing the student's written 上诉 and documentation;

C. Discussion with the student and faculty member individually or together.

wac132v - 123 - 040 第二级正式上诉. If either party is not satisfied with the first level of 正式的上诉 decision, he or she may begin the second level of the 正式的上诉 process.

步骤1 - The applicable party will present the executive vice-president for academic and student affairs with a written 上诉 of the first level decision and documentation.

步骤2 - The executive vice-president or his or her designee will investigate the 上诉. 这 investigation shall be completed within ten instructional days of receiving the 上诉. The investigation will consist of a review of all student and faculty member documentation and the findings of the 迪安 or manager.

步骤3 - The executive vice-president shall within ten instructional days of receiving the 吸引力:

A. Make a final decision; or

  • The final decision will be conveyed in writing to the student, faculty member, and 迪安.
  • Any decision made by the executive vice-president and pursuant to this section is 机构的最终决定.

B. Convene a hearing committee pursuant to WAC 132 v - 123 - 010.

  • The committee will hear testimony from the student and from the faculty member.
  • 委员会将审查文件.
  • A decision shall be made by majority vote in deliberations.
  • The decision shall be communicated to the student and the faculty member within five instructional days of the hearing after all testimony and documentation have been 提出了.
  • Any decision made by the committee is 机构的最终决定.
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